What’s important about all this is that Dirge of Cerberus - where Deepground, Weiss, Nero and the rest of the Tsiviets were introduced - occurred after the events of the original game. Yuffie escapes, but Sonon is a goner - and will probably return in Part 2 as a Deepground experiment. After a tough battle, you nearly escape - before Nero emerges from the darkness. He seems not fussed at all with the “idiots” at Shinra trying to clone him, and summons his younger brother, Nero, to go “hunt.” That’s obviously bad news for Yuffie and Sonon, who face Nero as the final boss in the DLC. We see Weiss being experimented on in Yuffie’s DLC in Shinra’s basement levels. Weiss, head of Deepground and baddie from Dirge of Cerberus, being experimented on in Yuffie’s DLC. Leading Deepground are elite warriors known as Tsviets - and leading the Tsviets is Weiss. Deepground is a secret branch of SOLIDER (which is the military wing of Shinra), one that was actually introduced in the 2006 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7 game that starred Vincent Valentine.